Sunday 28 October 2018

Living life with real passion...

Doing something which we love, that we don't consider a job is our passion. If we know our real passion, we have discovered our purpose of living. If you are still confused about your real passion try to remember what you loved doing as a child...that's your real passion. Let us not presume that our passion should be our job. But if it is so, we should call ourselves very lucky. Passion generally means something we love to do. Passion is an emotion that comes from within us. It is our enthusiasm, our zeal, our drive and our motivation. Our passion can be anything that simultaneously challenges us, intrigues us and motivates us. Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and of course happiness, excitement, and anticipation. Let us separate our hobbies from our passions ...
Let us identify our values... live our beliefs and follow the joy of living life with our real passion. Col Pendyala Pradeep Anaesthesiologist.

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