Sunday 7 October 2018

Do I fear God...??

There's a constant debate in my head whether I'm an atheist or a theist...??
Atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist...No, no, I do believe that God do exist...and yes, I do agree that there's a super power which exists ...there's a supreme power who's always around us although never seen. Agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does n
ot exist...I don't fit in that category nor do I fit in the group who could be called Agnostic atheists who are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity and agnostic because they claim that the existence of a deity is either unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact.
Now the big I pray to God answer is a big No...because, I strongly believe that if you are doing everything correctly without malice towards anyone, you need not be scared of anyone including God...and I know too very well that I don't do anything wrong knowingly. Hence, why should I be scared of God and keep requesting for his blessings...??
But, I must admit, that I do remember God and pray Him for few seconds before every Anaesthesia I administer to a patient ..because, I want my patient to survive at any cost. And yes, the last time, I went to a temple to pray, was for His blessings for my son who was getting married. I went to a Gurudwara, a Darga and of course, I have visited Shirdi Sai Baba for the same reasons...Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.

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