Saturday 1 July 2017


I am telling you this story because as a kid, the game of Planchet left a huge impression on me. My cousin Kusumakka was a stronger believer of Planchet game, which you may call as childish and stupid. I am sure, you must be wondering what is this planchet...let me explain, find a large triangular cardboard, a pen, and a white plain paper of approximately two feet x two feet ( few white papers can be joined together ). The paper should be no smaller than this to allow enough room for the moving pen to write the correct answer. A minimum of three persons are required to start a planchet. Make a hole in the cardboard and pass a fountain /sketch pen through it and each of the three persons should hold one corner of the cardboard and start concentrating on any person of the family who had recently passed away. A picture of the deceased kept before the three persons playing the game of planchet often helps. Now start concentrating on the spirit of the dead person who is well known to the three persons playing the game and all the three must request the spirit to come which can be done silently. After around five to ten minutes, sometimes after fifteen minutes, the pen starts rolling...each person should balance the cardboard to keep it remain horizontal. After a while, the pen stops moving. That is the time when you are required to ask the spirit a common question silently...the pen starts moving may have to request the spirit to write in one particular does...and usually, you get a correct answer which nobody knew. It may sound silly, foolish, stupid and childish... but yes, I have witnessed & experienced this happening many times myself when I was a kid...most of the answers we received through planchet actually happened in our lives...and it was predicted correctly many years in advance by the planchet ....Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist

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