Wednesday 10 January 2018

Musu musu hasi deu malai la...( Keep Smiling ) sung by Col Pendyala Pradeep

1 comment:

  1. Switch your mindset from problems to solutions...see opportunities in every problem ...Keep Smiling always...Musu Musu Haasi ...I used to sing this song much before the release of this movie and the song...I learnt it in Gorkhali ( Nepali ) during my tenure at 2/3 Gorkha Rifles in high altitude of North Sikkim...I used to sing it during the Maadal parade...( a tradition of singing and dancing of course with Raksi ( Rum ) during weekends...Maadal is a small sized drum which resembles Dhol )...Enjaai my song please...It was originally sung in Nepali...I have no copyrights of this song please...I sing only for the entertainment of my friends...I have no monetary benefits or business interests with my songs please...I don't monetize my YouTube uploads...If anyone feels, I've violated any Copyrights, this video may be deleted or blocked please...
