Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Praise !!

Who wouldn't like a word of praise ? In fact, most of us on Facebook are on it for a word of praise for our work, appearance, attitude, mind....etc. But can you understand the subtle difference between a praise and a flattery ? Flattery is falsely praising someone. A good compliment and a praise can do wonders, encourage you, motivate you to do still better but a flattery can destroy you, if you actually start believing the false praise heaped on you. Now, I have noticed, people who can really express well resorting to monosyllables viz. nice, as the only comment. I wonder why they opt to become a taciturn when it comes to giving their valuable opinion. They can certainly write more than a single word "nice" to make some difference in the lives of their friends. And yes, a word of praise comes from deep inside you, a sensible person can easily make out whether you are flattering him or praising him !!

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