Saturday, 24 May 2014

Sunday tidbits...

I used to find spending time on treadmill
most boring in the Gym
nowadays, I do some jogging in the morning
and weight training in the evening at the Gym...

Be wary of people
who address you 
as Behana ( sister )
but soon start calling you as Yaara
and start reminding you of 
how protective and 
possessive they are
about you....

It is very easy to detect
fake people on Facebook..
firstly, they may have multiple accounts
secondly, they may never post their real profile picture
they would always prefer proxy pictures
thirdly, they deactivate and reactivate 
their accounts frequently
and lastly, 
they would rarely be commenting on your wall
they would always prefer to chat inbox...

Good morning
Coffee chalega...??


  1. Fake people?(Matlab).Caffè is Always welcom with or without Doc.some times you are terrible and Enigmatic.Try to write Fiction Books.We can have another MURAKAMI.
