They say, it is very important to be pretty I say, it is important to have brains but beauty has its own advantages you just can't deny... have a great day Friends...
after a long walk pradeep got some inspiration about plastic mermaids etc etc.I know it happens after a long walk in Thar desert or after a long walk on the top of Ladakh plateau.I experiment almost all every day after a long run over our Asiago plateau.i see only a small chocolate cake is popping out from my pocket.tu sei fortunato e vedi le sirene.hum
after a long walk pradeep got some inspiration about plastic mermaids etc etc.I know it happens after a long walk in Thar desert or after a long walk on the top of Ladakh plateau.I experiment almost all every day after a long run over our Asiago plateau.i see only a small chocolate cake is popping out from my pocket.tu sei fortunato e vedi le sirene.hum