Saturday, 15 February 2014

Mr Encyclopedia...ha ha

Believe it or not...
I rarely read the newspaper delivered each day at my doorstep
Soujanya reads it, I pay the bill ...but I am better informed.
I rarely watch a television, I subscribe to airtel DTH...I pay the bill,
Soujanya never misses a program, but I know much more than her..
what is happening on TV and news...
I don't look at my watch anymore, I think, it's redundant
but I always know the right time...exact time, with no mistakes
I don't watch all the movies, Soujanya never misses a movie on TV
But I know much more than her about all the movies
Soujanya loves FM and never misses a new song as well as old
but I know almost everything about old and new songs...
Soujanya never misses to carry an encyclopedia and a dictionary
I don't have a dictionary nor an encyclopedia
but everybody calls me an encyclopedia...
Soujanya hates Facebook, Google, YouTube, ...and networking
I love Facebook, Google, YouTube, networking, my computer and
my smartphone...ha ha


  1. Not Mr.Encyclopedia,,,,The title should be Mr.Walking Encyclopedia dear PP!!!!
