Monday, 17 February 2014

Let's face (book ) it...

Frankly, I feel, someone's nature, character and the way they behave rarely changes. To some extent, attitude may be changed with training, persuasion, and self- motivation, but the general nature of a person rarely changes.
A good person remains good and a bad remains bad at the end of the day.
Facebook is a great platform to study the various natures of various friends...
Some are very friendly, they even acknowledge your mere liking their post...
Some are haughty, they definitely think, they are better than others...
they rarely acknowledge your likes, comments and your posts.
Some are short-tempered, they get angry very quickly...they either insult you with their rude and offensive remarks and sometimes, they go to the extent of defriending you..just because, you were not subservient to their wants and posts.
Some are still strange, they visit you only once in a year or so, and you can expect to read something awfully bad about yourself from them.
Some are still mysterious and strange...they would pose to be your friend but they would inbox all wrong things about you to your common friends.
Some pose to be intellectuals, but if you read carefully, nothing about them would be original, it is either a copied stuff or rehash of old ideas in a new bottle.
Some are only show-offs, they try to impress others by things which they never own and try to tell others which they can never do.
Some are here only for political links, political ambitions...they would never appreciate even the best and obvious goodness of other party members...they just want to hear and write only about their party..and they are strangely oblivious to their own failings.
Well, nobody is perfect, but there's no harm in trying to be better than what we are...
dear friends, let's change our attitude if not our nature...