Friday 31 May 2024


 Understanding and memorizing Anaesthesiology could be very challenging. Frankly, I am writing this note for my Anaesthesiology post graduate students but others also may be benefited by reading this post. Whenever you read your subject, write brief notes, never forget to highlight important points (don't worry about spoiling the look of your textbook). After reading a chapter, you must ask questions to yourself on the same topic and don't go to bed unless you understood every aspect of what you've just read. Always look for diagrams and charts, they make it easier to understand a topic much faster. Once you have memorized the topic, never forget to discuss the same with your classmates. Always go for the concept rather than memorizing the whole topic. The more you read, the more you fall in love with your

 subject... happy reading... Col Pradeep Pendyala Professor of Anaesthesiology

Belly fat

 It's very challenging to reduce belly fat. There's nothing like spot reduction. If someone says that by doing crunches and planks you can reduce belly fat, it's wrong. Reducing fat from a specific area is impossible. It's possible only by overall reduction of fat from the body. It can be achieved by diet plan and regular exercises alone. You need to reduce your calorie intake...that's the foremost requirement. You need to become calorie conscious but at the same time it should be balanced food. When you start reducing your weight and overall fat content in your body... always remember that belly fat is the last to go away... Col Pradeep Pendyala Professor of Anaesthesiology