Friday, 8 February 2019

Be Vigilant...

I feel bad when I see a person lost in his Whatsapp and remains aloof from the surroundings. I am not asking you to abandon whatsapping but I want you to be a bit open eyed and a bit attentive to your surroundings. I want my juniors to be aware of their surroundings... they must Identify every strange sounds or smell around them and savor the food they eat. Yes, I want them to pay attention to detail although it may not concern them directly. It needs a bit of training but you can easily become more attentive. No, I don't want you to become a Sherlock Holmes but paying attention to small detail would definitely improve your concentration and memory. Moreover, I am an Anaesthesiologist and I am trained to pay attention to every happening in the operation theatre and remain vigilant all the time. Pay a little more attention to the world around you and mark my words, your world would never be the same again. Col Pradeep Pendyala.

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