Oddly enough, zest can also be the outer peel of a lemon or orange, which chefs scrape into their dishes when they want to add some tartness and tanginess to a recipe. People who live with that same kind of spice are said to have a "zest for life." In other words, they live their lives with a lot of flavor and gusto. In positive psychology, zest is one of the 24 strengths possessed by humanity. As a component of the virtue of courage, zest is defined as living life with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and energy. Approaching life as an adventure; such that one has “motivation in challenging situations or tasks”.In the pantheon of human virtues, “zest”, that wholeheartedness of living, has a robust connection to a deep satisfaction in life. Yet while our children exhibit it naturally and beautifully, somewhere along the line most of us lose this flower-laden path to happiness and fulfillment.If you are moving with an eagerness in your heart,then you are alive..if you're moving with the sparks of dreams in your eyes,then you're alive...

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