Saturday, 19 July 2014


I keep getting recurrent past memories
You may call them vivid flashbacks..
Whenever I see old people
They make me see my parents as a flashback
Whenever I see an injured child
He makes me recall my past vividly
When I see young couples chatting in a park
It brings back hundreds of past experiences
The memories are so intense, fresh and powerful
Sometimes I prefer living in the past...

Photo: I keep getting recurrent past memories 
You may call them vivid flashbacks..
Whenever I see old people
They make me see my parents as a flashback
Whenever I see an injured child 
He makes me recall my past vividly
When I see young couples chatting in a park
It brings back hundreds of past experiences
The memories are so intense, fresh and powerful
Sometimes I prefer living in the past...


  1. really sensible comment on memories.But some people Dont have things,and not even memories! I deal withthem very often!its very sad , dear DOC.(My clients with Alzheimer and Bipolar disorders).I will try to play yadein to them!

  2. thanks for liking my post dear Aruna Devi Edula...
