There is no denying that the lives of Khushwant Singh, Dev Anand, Nirad C choudhari, Shabana Azmi and Shobhaa De have inspired millions of Indians including me. I , being a medical professional, started analysing the secret of their longevity, success and happiness. They have excelled in their field, have battled agaist all odds and reached the pinnacle of their success by their courage, determination and perseverance. Obviously, success depends on what you do and how you do it. The secret behind the long and successful life is leading a purpose driven life. These people were always ready for the opportunity when it came. Being a doctor I always advise healthy eating, exercise and positive outlook on life. A doctor always advise a diet primarily of fruits, grains and vegetables. Is that all, or are they lucky and genetically blessed ? No, the answer lies in the fact that all these people have found a lifestyle that had lead to their healthy, long life. My salutations to these great Senior Citizens ! May they Rock forever!!
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