Monday, 31 December 2018
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Friday, 28 December 2018
Thursday, 27 December 2018
Treatment for Vandalism...!!
Vandalism incidence in Global Hospital is nothing new to medical fraternity...such incidence are bound to happen again. When you are dealing with high risk cases day and night, doctors are bound to face mishaps, occasional misjudgment and bad outcomes. Condemning the act and demanding for justice are the usual reactions till one more incidence occurs again. Let me suggest you a simple solution and more practical approach for the entire scenario where doctors can work without stress of being handled violently and bringing out their best medical skills for the betterment of the patient. There should be a QRT department ( Quick Reaction Team department ) in each hospital whose only job is to take care of such eventuality. It should consist of brainy guys who are adept in conversation, and knowing how to convince the relatives of the deceased and the department should consist of armed bouncers who would use their muscle power and brawny built to control the mob and also use the arms if necessary...if they have Arms Licence...Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
How to spend money...
Everyone tells you how to save money...but let me tell you how to spend money intelligently. I am sure, you have worked very hard to earn's time to know how to spend our hard earned money for our happiness. I always wait for sales and discounts and definitely online purchases from trustworthy shopping sites. I avoid impulse purchases, and never miss buying myself small treats. Spending huge money on marriages are biggest mistakes...spending money on your romantic partner, children and for your fitness and your career advancement are most welcome. Spending money on traveling to new places and on personal fulfillment is very wise. Investing in ourselves today is just as important as growing our wealth...let's buy something which makes us happy right now, let us live for today...and enjoy the most precious life...just for today...Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Respect each other's religion...!!
I rarely miss the midnight mass of 24 December. My son was born on Christmas and my two nephews were born on 24 December. We celebrate Christmas more than any Christians with Christmas tree, stockings and Christmas Star. I lived in Vishakhapatnam for eleven years during my college days and my best friend those days was Mr Yusuf Khan, who met me incidentally when I was rehearsing a song in an Orchestra at Jamshedpur many decades ago. When Yusuf Khan started his own orchestra I was included and I used to perform for few years in Commercial Orchestra but later had to stop it due to family pressure who never liked it. Yusuf used to start his Eid always with me. Incidentally, I was very close to Gurmeet Singh my classmate in intermediate those days and I used to sleep in the Gurudwara those days which was located opposite to Police Barracks near Choultry, Vizag. Till date, I can recite entire Japji Saheb without any reference. If all of us start respecting other religions our world can easily become a real heaven but the politicians make sure this never happens...Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
You are the Best...
Let people say or think whatever they want about you, the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself, how you think about yourself. I consider it to be irrelevant..the things people talk about only concern is what I talk to myself. If you don't value yourself, it actually shows on your face, your walk, your attitude and your body language. Always think highly of yourself...give yourself full marks in everything you do. Unless you respect yourself and value yourself, nobody would care about you, trust me. It's strange but true, we tend to fulfill only our own expectations about ourself. The thoughts you have about yourself all the time in your mind, can destroy you or empower you to be unstoppable. There's no point thinking that you're perfect because nobody can be perfect, but there's no harm in thinking yourself to be the best. Let people say or think whatever they want, but you must never underestimate yourself and keep dreaming to win this world because you are the best. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Although aptitude is important, I always give more importance to attitude of the person. An aptitude for something is the innate potential to acquire a skill with practice and developing it and attitude is a set of beliefs and opinions about anything. Negative attitude could be dangerous but yes, positive attitude in one's own beliefs is most desirable. A positive attitude helps us cope more easily with our daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into our life, and makes iteasier to avoid worries, helps us solve our problems and avoid negative thinking. Positive thinking helps us with stress management and can even improve our health. I strongly believe that a positive attitude is far better than a high skill level, in almost every situation. Technical aptitude alone is insufficient... although aptitude may give us success to some extent, our attitude determines what and how much we can do, and how far we will go in the path of success and achievement. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Books Vs Internet...!!
Although, I love reading a book, internet is better than reading a book. I can easily prove that. I am sure, most of you would love to say that books are more logical choice compared to internet. Most of you would argue that the Internet will never replace books...sorry friends, you may be wrong. I am sure, most of you would like to know an answer to your doubt on a particular subject or topic almost everyday...the more you read, the more you have questions in your mind. While a book may demand you to read all of its content to seek your answer, whereas the Internet might give it to you in seconds, that too the latest version. Most of the books are expensive and gives you old version of information and answers to your query which might have changed altogether by the time you seek to know the answers. Internet saves time, money and gives the answers to your queries within seconds without beating around the bush. Books are definitely a good source of information but they may need to be updated otherwise, it is of no use. I am sorry to say that things are changing at alarming speed and books are unable to keep pace with that speed, whereas, internet gives you the latest information. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Thank God...
Strange but true, intelligent people are always unhappy people. Intelligent people tend to over analyze everything around them. Many people with a high IQ suffer from psychological problems...they constantly keep reflecting on life, death and the meaning of their existence. They crave for something excellent, idealistic and perfect which they never find in the real world. When their expectations face the actual reality of life, it may lead to disappointment and depression...they want high standards in almost everything which is almost impossible to find in real life....that makes them lonely and depressed and occasionally they fail to interact and communicate well with average intelligent people. Interestingly, ignorant people are very happy people...ignorance is bliss for them...God loves his idiots more than the intelligent ...thank God, I am not very intelligent
:-) Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.

Monday, 17 December 2018
Every twenty five seconds...
One person dies in this world every twenty five seconds due to road traffic accidents...Every minute of each day, someone dies in a car or bike accident. ...after heart disease and cancer, the leading cause of death is road accidents. Incidentally, majority of deaths in India is due to horrible condition of our roads...over speeding comes next...and next comes alcohol and drugs while driving. In our country, two wheeler accidents account for 25% of total road crash deaths. and 20 children under the age of 14 die every day due to road crashes and yes, there is no statistics available for traffic rules offenders in our country...I think, every third person in India is habitual traffic offender. Friends, keep your eyes on the road while driving, you should be doing nothing else while driving, follow speed limits and never drink and drive and yes, helmet saves lives. BTW, many must have died by road accidents by the time you finish reading this blog... Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Carpe diem...
Latin phrase Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero meaning seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future. Frankly, since the day, I started living with the motto of carpe diem...seize the day or moment without thinking much about my future, I became the happiest person in the world. The earliest known uses of carpe diem in print in English date to the early 19th century. Robert Frost took on the subject with his poem Carpe Diem, first published in can incidentally find it in my voice on my YouTube. When I see people in a serious mood and also worrying a lot about their future, I always advise them to just live for the day without planning much for tomorrow, I consider it to be the easiest solution to most of our problems. BTW, it also means to make the most of the opportunities of our life. Let's begin to live carpe diem, and start noticing the extraordinary things around us right now and see how we feel about our life with those lovely things around us. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Positive frame of mind...
Positive frame of mind is a must for our growth, expansion and success...It means appreciating almost everything around us regardless of our circumstances...e.g. the college or office, where we work, house and the neighborhood where we live, our looks, our health, our intelligence and also our detractors. State of mind is the mood we are in at a particular time...I love to be in a great mood all the time. Life becomes a great fun when we apply a positive mind frame than a negative. The physical and mental benefits of positive frame of mind are a thing, it's there. Despite all this knowledge, we tend to fall prey to negative time, when you fall in negative mood think of me...I have many issues but I make sure, my day is wonderfully spent and and I also make sure, all my friends and relatives get into the same positive mood within seconds of meeting me or knowing me...Friends, enjoy every minute of your life...'cause, Zindagee Na Milegee Dubara...Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Wanna be an Entrepreneur...??
Frankly, I am not an entrepreneur but I really know how to be a successful entrepreneur. Starting a business means taking great amount of risks...and I always appreciate people who can take risks in life. BTW, risk takers are rarely afraid of failures. Moreover, a self-starter entrepreneur are very desirable people. Self-discipline is a must for success in life and also in a business. Creative thinking and innovative ideas are the hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs. Successful entrepreneurs actually think for the society than themselves...they believe in themselves and have a clarity of vision...they can know and find the needs of the society much earlier than others...they are always competitive and open minded. And yes, they have the ability to learn from their own mistakes...not others. Lastly, to become an successful entrepreneur we need to know about current and past market situation of that market. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Saturday, 8 December 2018
Cash back...
Cash back policy was recently introduced by the moguls of business...but such policy was in vogue since time immemorial... good deed always had cash back policy since time immemorial...Good deed is always rewarded... One of the greatest things that we can do in our life is to reach out and do a good deed for another human being whether it means offering our love or compassion. A good deed is something which helps either one person or more or a society. But yes, we should not do good deeds only to get me, your goodness is always rewarded. I always insist on being good to ourselves, unless we are good to ourselves, how can we be good to others. Similarly, our kindness is always rewarded...when we do any kindness for another, it imprints on our hearts and we feel much happier and healthy. Let us make ourselves happier and healthy by being good to others...and enjoy the cash back policy. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Money, money, money...
Money causes happiness, but extra money definitely causes unhappiness. In the case of money, the unhappiness is caused by other reasons, not by the money itself. Money may get you house, food, medicine, vehicle, vacations...but money brings greed along with it without fail. That greed to make more money is the cause of all the problems in our life. Money gives us pleasure, money gives us happiness undoubtedly but having enough money to support ourselves, our family and living a comfortable retirement life is fine...but it never stops at the game of earning and making more money greed comes from nowhere and our life becomes an endless chase of making more money at the cost of health, family and friends. We must not fall into the trap of making excess money which brings us nothing but unhappiness...excess money invariably causes stress.. as to the fear of losing it all ... Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
RSI Army Club
I live next to a happening neighbourhood of RSI Secunderabad. RSI Secunderabad is a trendy, funky, hip, cool and a groovy place both for the young and the old. In fact, I bought a house next to RSI Secunderabad as I wanted to grow old watching movies at Rsi Army Club. I do have my breakfast and lunch at my place, but my dinner is always at Rsi Army Club without fail. It has all the facilities of any and every game...Tennis, badminton, Gym and countless kiosks selling anything and everything you want besides an army canteen. A retired army life doesn't mean a rocking chair and newspaper to me...I love a happening life...and Rsi Army Club gives me exactly that...I am seen at the Gym and the tennis court and in all the DJ nights and non stop functions throughout the year. Nothing can change the problems and pains of life but Rsi Army Club changes to a large extent. Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Most of the anaesthesiologists are experts in multitasking...rather, it's a way of life. While giving anaesthesia, he constantly monitors the pulse oximeter, capnograph, blood pressure and the electrocardiogram. His monitors are almost like aircraft cockpit with multiple display screens which needs to be constantly monitored. He needs to think very fast and work with his hands as if he has four or more hands working in tandem. He chats with the patient before entering the operation theatre and also establishes contact with his patient in that short period so that the patient feels safe with him…by talking to the patient, the anaesthetist can create a feeling of trust and make him relax, and confident about his safety. During the last few decades, the risks associated with anesthetic care have been dramatically reduced due to development new monitors during anaesthesia. When you leave the hospital after successful surgery, don't forget to thank your anaesthesiologist for his vigilance, task performing and multitasking. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
Mood ka problem...??
Is it a bit depressing day today...?? Are you not in a mood to work today...No, I am not saying anything about your Sunday, I am talking about your Monday or weekdays. Let me share with you how to beat lethargy to do anything productive and get things done even when you don't feel like working. Frankly, the truth is that motivation isn’t anything about productivity, it’s the failure to use your time in the way you actually want it to be used. You may be sitting, staring at the wall or dreading the thought of working ...the answer is simple, the hardest part is the initial lethargy ...just do it without much thinking...once you start, things tend to flow. Still not in your mood to work...? Easy, open your classmates Whatsapp, chat for few minutes with your close buddies...your mood would change instantaneously. BTW, If you’re constantly unhappy at your job and are constantly demotivated, then you need to change your place of working or your job at the earliest. Col Pendyala Pradeep, Anaesthesiologist.
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