Sunday, 31 August 2014


Writing is the best medium to unwind
writing is to make the thoughts flow smoothly
writing about your dreams and experiences become poetry
writing about the moments of joy, feelings and experiences is fun
writing is a pleasure which improves your insight
writing about nuances of life and unusual things is like a bowl of cherries..
Keep writing
Keep experimenting
Keep unwinding
Keep enjoying the bowl of Cherries...

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

याद आती हैं बहुत ..वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

तारों सजी रातें ...... तमतमाती दुपहरियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत ..वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

अधखिले, नाजुक, .. कच्चे थे हम
झूठ बोलते थे पर ... सच्चे थे हम
थोड़े से बुरे .... थोड़े अच्छे थे हम
वो दौर था ...... जब बच्चे थे हम
चढ़ते पारे के साथ मौसम गरमाने लगता था
आहट ग्रीष्म की ..... बसंत जाने लगता था
दिन चढ़ते चढ़ते आँगन तमतमाने लगता था
करीब है दिन छुट्टियों के .... बताने लगता था
खुल जाते थे दिल-ओ-दिमाग, स्कूल बंद होते थे
सच ! वो दिन ............ हमें बहुत पसंद होते थे

चलो करते है ज़िक्र उन तमाम .. मस्तियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत ..वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

शिकंजी, निम्बू-पानी .. पना के दिन
रंगीन .... रस भरे .... रसना के दिन
पांच दस पैसे की .... ‘बर्फ़ की कैंडी’ थी
‘ऑरेंज-बार’ भी न ज्यादा .. महंगी थी
गली से जब ..... आइसक्रीम वाला गुजरता था
थोड़ा मुस्कुराकर दादी का बटुआ निकलता था
रेतकर मिलते थे .... वो गोले बरफ के
रंगीन चाशनी में .. नज़ारे हर तरफ़ के
मिठास न पूछिए उन चुस्कियों की
मटकी में बिकती उन कुल्फियों की

बगैर मिक्सी, .. मथनी वाली .. लस्सियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत . वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

कितनी लुभावनी थी वो दुनिया कॉमिक्स की
बेताल डायना .... लोथार मैनड्रैक की
हर किरदार ...... सच्चा और अपना लगता था
मिलना ‘चाचा चौधरी साबू’ से अच्छा लगता था
ऐतिहासिक पौराणिक गाथाओं मिलना शुरू हुए हम
‘अमर चित्र कथाओं’ से जब रुबरु हुए हम
लोटपोट, मधु-मुस्कान के पन्ने
चंपक, नंदन, चंदा-मामा सब अपने
‘बिल्लू’, ‘डब्बू जी’ .. ‘श्रीमतीजी’ के किरदार
आप बतायें कौन नहीं करता था इनसे प्यार
जासूसी नावेल भी कुछ कमाल के थे
फैन हम तब .. राजन इकबाल के थे

किस्से क्या सुनाएँ ..... अब उन कहानियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत .. वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

पाठ, .. सबक और न कोई उसूल होते थे
लंबी छुट्टियों के लिए बंद .. स्कूल होते थे
पलट के देखा .. हुए मुखातिब .. हम गुज़रे पलों से
इन दिनों ही मिलते थे हम मामा-मौसी के बच्चों से
निजात मिल चुकी होती थी इम्तिहान के पर्चों से
न कमाई की चिंता .. न सरोकार खर्चों से
उत्पात, शैतानियाँ वो छोटी-बड़ी हमारी
न पूछिए ...... वो धमा-चौकड़ी हमारी
नाक में दम कर देते थे नाना नानियों की
इन्तिहाँ हो जाती थी ....... नादानियों की

फिर पिटाई, डांट डपट ..... पापा-मम्मियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत .. वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

वाकिफ उस दौरान ‘लूडो’, ‘सांप-सीढ़ी’ से हुए
सीखकर बड़े इसी तरह पिछली पीढ़ी से हुए
कैरम, शतरंज, वो खेल .. ताश के
कोट-पीस, रमी, 'तीन-दो-पांच' के
लुका-छिपी और वो खेल ‘खो-खो’ का
हाथ के पंखे, टेबुल फैन के झोंकों का
किताबें सेल्फ में ... न रोज़ रोज़ का स्कूल था
तालाब वो गाँव का .. हमारा स्विमिंग पूल था
तैरती तस्वीर आँखों में उन डुबकियों की
प्यास बुझाती मटकों, घड़ों, सुराहियों की

चढ़ कर पेड़ पर चखते ........ उन अमियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत .. वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

शामें दूरदर्शन की .. वो रेडियो के दिन
बात न होगी मुकम्मल ... ये कहे बिन
‘हवामहल’, ‘जयमाला’, वो ‘भूले बिसरे गीत’
जिनसे जुड़ा है .. हमारा कल, हमारा अतीत
छत पे बैठकर .. ‘छाया-गीत’ के नगमें
गुज़रे वक़्त में सुने होंगे ... आप सबने ?
आवाज़ ‘अमीन सयानी’ की बाँध देती थी समां
याद कीजिये ‘एस कुमार का ‘फ़िल्मी मुकदमा’
‘मोदी के मतवाले राही’, ‘इंस्पेक्टर ईगल’
क्या क्या करें बातें .. क्या क्या करें गल
रात वो ..... पौने नौ का समाचार
हफ्ते में फ़क़त एक दिन चित्रहार
शुरुआत थी धारावहिको के प्रयोग की
बात क्यों न छिड़े फिर ‘हमलोग’ की
वही ‘बुनियाद’ थी ..... नई सोच की

बातें बहुत हो गई आज .. पुराने टीवी रेडियो की
याद आती हैं बहुत .. वो छुट्टियाँ ... गर्मियों की

उन दिनों साहित्य से परिचय हो रहा था
बुनियाद मुस्तकबिल का तय हो रहा था
‘धर्मयुग’ ‘माधुरी’, ‘साप्ताहिक हिन्दुस्तान’
‘सरिता’, ‘मुक्ता’, ‘मनोरमा’, ‘दिनमान’
इलस्ट्रेटेड वीकली, ब्लिट्ज पॉपुलर हुआ करते थे
पड़ोसी एक दूजे से ........ मांग कर पढ़ा करते थे
एक पकड़ थी इन पत्र-पत्रिकाओं, रिसालों में
सच ! .......... बड़ी बरक़त थी उन सालों में
घर पे सजती पिताजी की ... वो साहित्यिक बैठकें
उन अदबी नशिस्त, गोष्ठियों के बारे में क्या कहें
आध्यात्मिक, राजनैतिक चर्चे हुआ करते थे
समझते .. तो कम थे ..... पर सुना करते थे
घर की लाइब्रेरी में मैथली, महादेवी, ... प्रेमचंद थे
दिनकर, निराला, सुमित्रा, सुभद्रा सब हमें पसंद थे
इन्हीं दौरान मुलाक़ात .. ‘मीर-ओ-मजाज़’ से हुई
ग़ालिब, दुष्यंत, फ़िराक, ‘फैज़-ओ-फ़राज़’ से हुई
जैसे 'बीते हुए कल' की …... आज से हुई
शुरुआत मेरी बीमारी की .. इलाज से हुई

टूटी-फूटी शायरी ... उन बेतुकी तुकबंदियों की
याद आती हैं बहुत .. वो छुट्टियाँ .. गर्मियों की

~ . ~ . ~ . अमित हर्ष . ~ . ~ .Amit Harsh...

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Self doubt...

People crave for Love...
People crave for attention
People crave to be appreciated
People crave for recognition
People crave for security
People crave for bonding
People crave for self esteem
People crave for affection
People crave for feelings
People crave to be liked
People crave to look good and feel good
People crave for approval
People crave for achievement
People crave for praise
Everyone here is self doubting...


I am sure, most of you must have watched the movie A Beautiful Mind released in 2001 an American biographical drama film based on the life of John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics. Although being a genius, he was suffering from Depression and recurrent delusions and hallucinations. He was shown being treated with Insulin Shock therapy...also known as ECT. Myself being an Anaesthesiologist regularly give ECT shocks to depressed patients who are resistant to normal medicines for depression. We give anaesthesia to make it safe and comfortable to the patient while producing the convulsions by giving mild electric shocks to the patient's brain. Believe it or not, it works..and the clear mechanism is not understood till date, how it works.
The other day, I was playing Volleyball and was pleasantly surprised to find one of my ECT patient enjoying the game and playing Volleyball in the opposite team.
PS. Needless to say, I wrote this post to educate people on Depression after recent celebrity death of Oscar winning Robin Williams allegedly by suicide due to depression.

Photo: I am sure, most of you must have watched the movie A Beautiful Mind released in 2001 an American biographical drama film based on the life of John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics. Although being a genius, he was suffering from Depression and recurrent delusions and hallucinations. He was shown being treated with Insulin Shock therapy...also known as ECT. Myself being an Anaesthesiologist regularly give ECT shocks to depressed patients who are resistant to normal medicines for depression. We give anaesthesia to make it safe and comfortable to the patient while producing the convulsions by giving mild electric shocks to the patient's brain. Believe it or not, it works..and the clear mechanism is not understood till date, how it works.
The other day, I was playing Volleyball and was pleasantly surprised to find one of my ECT patient enjoying the game and playing Volleyball in the opposite team.
PS. Needless to say, I wrote this post to educate people on Depression after recent celebrity death of  Oscar winning Robin Williams allegedly by suicide due to depression.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Joie de vivre...

Live with clever, beautiful and original thoughts
Live with hope,success and good fortune
Live with rainbows in your dreams
Live with Joie de vivre 

Photo: Live with clever, beautiful and original thoughts
Live with hope,success and good fortune
Live with rainbows in your dreams
Live with Joie de vivre 
Have a great day dear Friends...

spirit of freedom...

Where the mind is led forward by the ever widening thought and action...
Dear Friends, let us celebrate this Independence Day
in its truest spirit
and let us rise above caste, creed and languages...
let us get out of selfishness
into true service, true education and true development...

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Successful people rarely fail
And if they actually fail
They refuse to accept failure
Till they actually succeed...

Photo: Successful people rarely fail
And if they actually fail
They refuse to accept failure
Till they actually succeed...
Have a great weekend Friends...


Let me introduce you to my friend Kollanda...
We called Kollanda in Bengal...
I lived in Bengal as a child
And the game we played in the evenings was either football or cricket
We used to gather at Kollanda's place by around 5 p.m.everyday
Kollanda was of my age, may be a year older
But he was very matured for his age
Kollanda had to decide who would play at what position
Kollanda had to decide who all would make the two teams
Kollanda used to decide when should we call it a day
Kollanda was all powerful
Kollanda made us collect the chanda ...funds for the puja
Kollanda made us work for the success of all poojas conducted by us
We could never dared to defy his wishes and commands
Kollanda was our friend, our mentor and our leader
But I could never learn to excel at football or cricket
And I could never know how to conduct a Saraswati puja with funds collected
But I became a champion in the games & master of my own destiny
once Kollanda left the station permanently
And I started thinking and taking decisions myself...

Photo: Let me introduce you to my friend Kollanda...
We called Kollanda in Bengal...
I lived in Bengal as a child
And the game we played in the evenings was either football or cricket
We used to gather at Kollanda's place by around 5 p.m.everyday 
Kollanda was of my age, may be a year older
But he was very matured for his age
Kollanda had to decide who would play at what position
Kollanda had to decide who all would make the two teams
Kollanda used to decide when should we call it a day
Kollanda was all powerful
Kollanda made us collect the chanda ...funds for the puja
Kollanda made us work for the success of all poojas conducted by us
We could never dared to defy his wishes and commands
Kollanda was our friend, our mentor and our leader
But I could never learn to excel at football or cricket
And I could never know how to conduct a Saraswati puja with funds collected
But I became a champion in the games & master of my own destiny 
once Kollanda left the station permanently 
And I started thinking and taking decisions myself...

Saturday, 9 August 2014


Disagree with your mentor
Disagree with your Guru..
Disagree with your teachers...
Disagree with your Friends...
Disagree with your Boss
Disagree with rituals
Disagree with custom
Disagree with taboos
Disagree with norms
Disagree with the world
Agree with yourself...
You are YOU...!!

Photo: Disagree with your mentor
Disagree with your Guru..
Disagree with your teachers...
Disagree with your Friends...
Disagree with your Boss
Disagree with rituals
Disagree with custom
Disagree with taboos
Disagree with norms
Disagree with the world
Agree with yourself...
You are YOU...!!

Monday, 4 August 2014


Just recorded on my mobile...
Happy Friendship day friends..
Yaaron dosti badi hi haseen hai
{Friends,friendship is very beautiful}
Yeh na ho to kya phir
{if its dosent exists}
Bolo yeh zindagi hai
{tell then wht is life}

Koi to ho raazdaar
{someone to share secrets}
Begaraj tera ho yaar
{without any expectations do frndship with you}
Koi to ho raazdaar
{someone to who hold your secrets}

Yaaron mohabbat hi to bandagi hai
{frinds,love is the only thing}
Yeh na ho to kya phir bolo yeh zindagi hai
{if its not there .then tell wht is life}

Koi to dilbar ho yaar
{someone be your lover}
Jisko tujhse ho yaar
{ who is in love with you}
Koi to dilbar ho yaar
{someone be your lover}

Teri har ke buraai pe daante woh dost
{frnds who scold you on your every bad deeds}
Gam ki ho dhoop to saaya bane tera woh dost
{become shadow when sun of sadnnes occur}

Naache bhi woh teri khushi main
{also dance with you when you are happy}
aree Yaaron dosti badi hi haseen hai
{yes frnds,friendship is very beautiful}

Yeh na ho to kya phir
{if its dosent exists}
Bolo yeh zindagi hai
{tell then wht is life}

Koi to ho raazdaar
{someone to share secrets}
Begaraj tera ho yaar
{without any expectations do frndship with you}
Koi to ho raazdaar
{someone to who hold your secrets}

Tan mann kar tujhpe fida
{he give his life for you}
Mehboob woh
{ love you so much}
Palkon pe jo rakhe tujhe
keep you on his eyes
Mehboob woh
Lover he is
Jiski vafa tere liye ho
Whose commitments are for you

Yaaron mohabbat hi to bandagi hai
{frinds,love is the only thing}
Yeh na ho to kya phir bolo yeh zindagi hai
{if its not there .then tell wht is life}

Koi to dilbar ho yaar
{someone be your lover}
Jisko tujhse ho yaar
{ who is in love with you}
Koi to dilbar ho yaar
{someone be your lover}


I was a bit busy this day
but can I forget the most important aspect of this day
today is the birthday of the greatest singer of India..
Kishore Kumar...
Today's google doodle too celebrates his birthday...
I am sure it would be impossible to pinpoint his best song
but this song is very very special to me...
Happy Birthday dear Kishoreda...